Recently I had posted that I am to be one of the select attending in hosting some of my work in person at The Spectrum Event In Las Vegas. Well here comes the fun part of being an artist. I'm a man with a rather limited range of funding. What this means especially for me is that I must be the utmost selective of what I do decide to print for a selling feature at the show.
I am filled with a deep bias for my work. Being straight to the point I am never truly satisfied with what I do and in a greater sense do not see what might be considered especially a stand out. With that in mind if there are any works in my gallery some of you would believe I should especially put out for sale I would love to hear it in the comment section below. I have until the third Of April to figure a small selection with limited print. Help me out and I'll love you forever! I also wish to state that if any of you wish to help me out another way I'm doing my best to get the word spread around about this event. The best way is by providing this link which gives a small taste of what my art is, what the RawArtists Community is and ticketing information.
For every ticket purchased it not only helps support the hosting community of this event but also assists in my personal expense needed to be there at all and have this chance. If you have the time please spread the link around, maybe even a link to this journal. This is my first shot at being something more and I hope I start things with a blast. :)
A dream
Beginnings Album HighLight
Hold Me
And if you lose that heart...
Inside The Out
She Is Coming
Fool Me up
Dark Sights
For Reason
I could give you everything
He thinks Too Much
The Void
It Must Be So Lonely
Hand Caller
I Likes
The Moon Garden
The Elevator
Because You See What They don't
Dream Fallen
Here's a list of some of your art that I personally really like. I'll make a shorter list of some of your work to put out for sale soon once I look at them some more. Anyways, I hope you have a blast at the event in Vegas. I'm sure the event will be very successful. Good luck out there!