A small project for those of you whom may have had any interest in some of the more obscure beings and works from within my gallery. Arbinel And The Dark Dreamers is a digital package of Arbinel and some others you may have taken note of in the frequency of my work. With pages of back lore and personal notes, you may see the much more grim side and reasoning of my artwork and some of it's symbolism.
This package contains 10 Pages of Notes and 7 high quality Print Files of unreleased illustrations.
This is a purchasable package and is for $6.00 USD. Every purchase will help towards funding Doc Diventia's Book for Kids Who Are Now Adults But Might Be Kids...Again.
If you are interested, please leave me a personal note of your email in the paypal notes or in private message! This will allow me to send you the Package upon receiving the payment.
I need to get around to buying this. It seems interesting.